Cloudtenna in the News

“The company introduced a desktop search application in 2018 and today it’s announcing a mobile search tool called Workspace to go with it.”

Cloudtenna launches mobile search app to find content across cloud services

Ron Miller, TechCrunch

“This is a boon for existing Nasuni clients. Cloudtenna is one of the front runners in enterprise search technology.”

Intelligent Search Capibilities with Nasuni and Cloudtenna

Jaideep Khanduja, IT Knowledge Exchange / TechTarget

Chris Mellor of The Register talks about the recent Cloudtenna and Nasuni partnership.

Nasuni Buddies Up with Cloudtenna to Speed Global File Search

Chris Mellor, Blocks & Files

ZDnet names Cloudtenna as one of 2019's biggest stories in storage. “Cloudtenna's search allows users to find their files where ever they are, in the cloud or locally.”

Biggest Storage Stories of 2019

Robin Harris, ZDnet

Forrester analyst Cheryl McKinnon cites content sprawl as a top challenge facing ECM programs.

Picking a winner in the race to deliver AI-powered Global File Search

Click to read more about Cloudtenna on

“Cloudtenna has come up with a file search portal to fix multi‑silo'd file‑search issues.”

Hitch a ride on Storship Enterprise's weekly voyage of discovery

Chris Mellor, The Register

“DirectSearch uses machine learning intelligence, natural language processing, and automation to search files scattered across email apps, network drives, cloud storage, and hosted collaboration suites. ”

AI and fast storage provide access on-premises and cloud data

Tom Coughlin, Forbes

“Just as Google search revolutionized our web access, universal search will revolutionize our file access.”

Find any file anywhere: Cloudtenna targets local and cloud file search

Robin Harris, ZDnet

“Cloudtenna has done the hard work to build DirectSearch. It’s made to let you search across the cloud and your data center in a fast and secure way.”

Wrangling File Chaos with Cloudtenna DirectSearch

Rich Stroffolino, Gestalt IT

“DirectSearch goes one step further by personalizing the results for each individual user to surface the documents that are most relevant first.”

Cloudtenna debuts with new search software to tackle enterprise file sprawl

Mike Wheatley, SiliconANGLE

“Cloudtenna could be the start point for a new generation of enterprise search and discovery tools.”

Cloudtenna targets enterprise file search with DirectSearch

Ian Murphay, Enterprise Times

Additional press coverage